Sunday, July 29, 2007

Your Turn!

Reviewing details of an appeal brief. Lawyers use so much hyperbole and jargon that it is remarkable that anything ever gets done in our society. Even the good ones. Quietly going about my business. Angry daughter, angry wife about the deteriorated relationship between us and the hostile and angry 13 year old. I imagine that my daughter would like to live anywhere but here right now. She is approaching the point of eruption or implosion. She is filled with contempt and despite repeated attempts to engage her she is being reclusive and dismissive. I understand her frustration, but I find it difficult to have her constant insolent and demanding personality to experience when I have enough of my own stuff going on. Teenage films are filled with fantasy about growing up and seeing it from the other side. I want my fantasy to include not having the kids. It would mean having money and being able to travel and eat out periodically. Not that I would not regret not having them, but fewer issues would be nice.

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