Friday, October 28, 2016


Swoosh is the sound of our lives rushing by.  It is also part of the Nike estate.   We can associate this sound with success.   This nation has had it share of "October Surprises".  We are awash in the debris of a contentious political season, a quiet devolution, in the midst of multiple sinister plots to "restore" us to something that we were never, in reality.

Some of us lived away from the squalor and disenfranchisement that affected "others", and now that the information is out - prejudice and discrimination, unfair labor practices, special status for some...we can barely stomach the putrid truth of it all.  If I were not living on the fringe of those most impacted by the abolition of our unions, the subtle misogyny, the growing "re-whitening" of America, it would be enough for me to become an isolationist or to simply stick my head in the sand, again.

We look at the Eastern bloc countries and see their revolution.  We look in the mirror and we see unreasonable dissent and discord.  We see rabble rousers and interfering ingrates who "can't" function in our oh-so-great capitalist society.

What will history write about the US?  Will anyone believe it?

Thursday, October 06, 2016

Petty Offices

I am tired of the pettiness of the political debate here in the US.   I am not sure who thinks he or she is infallible or perfect.  I know that I am different today than I was yesterday or a year ago.

Are you the same person you were twenty or more years ago? Have you committed acts that you view in a different light today? Have you learned from those transgressions? Is it possible that this was part of your journey to who you are now? Let's not evaluate the potential candidates only by who they were historically. I can't tell you how far into an individual's history we have to look. We have all botched decisions. We have each erred in ways that we regret. People tell you who are they today by the words they choose and their behaviors today. Let's use that information to choose the right people for the job. Ignore the sensationalism of this campaign and the bombast and seek the kernel of truth in the messages you hear and see.