Thursday, July 26, 2007

Chocolate, Wine and Music

Yes, it was a tough day at work. We sent a 17 year old home with her mother. Her mother has failed to protect her and her younger sister from at LEAST two sexual predators. One is the girls's father, who is currently in prison. But he was able to make a court appearance today. The other is a man with the same first name. Mom should avoid "Marvins" with a passion. She will not likely though. Statistically, we have little chance of success with Mom. Or her daughters for that matter. Generational transmission of sexual victimization is rampant, unless we can provide the right interventions. We may not have time to accomplish this though. The Court simply wants to clear this matter from its calendar.

Music is Jazz mix on iPod...right now it is Eliane Elias.

Wine is Chappellet. Never heard of this merlot, but it is at least as good as a nice table wine.

Chocolate - Hershey's...can't always be Godiva.

The combo is fantastic though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wine, chocolate and jazz - sounds like a great way to unwind! ~deb