Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Truly all my problems seemed so very far away. But as ever not for long. People disappoint. There is no getting around that. We can't live up to the constant demands and requests of other people. I am not sure but I certainly feel as if I am a constant disappointment for my wife. I can't seem to ever do right. I talk too little. I talk too much. I am too compassionate and forgiving. I am unrealistic in my demands. I am loving and thoughtful and moments later, crass and indifferent to her needs. I am lazy while busy doing more than my designated share of work. I am confused. I am human. I am on vacation and wish to relax. I want her to have the freedom to define herself as she wishes. I do not interfere with her morning prayer time, nor her desire to engage in church or community activities. I shuttle the kids to and from soccer, take time from work for transporting to medical and school appointments. She can attend or not based on her work schedule and desire to be there. Why then am I almost always in the dog house?

Today is the day to reflect and appreciate what it means to be a citizen of the USA. People from all over the world want to be here. They cross the borders illegally and with the express consent of the government. Phoenix 115 degrees and humid elsewhere. We take more than we give. We expect others to make the sacrifices that we ourselves are not willing to make. We expect all this and at WalMart prices. That is overkill. Simplification is my answer. Simpler emotions and simpler lifestyle. Bike when I can. Walk sometimes and drive less. Buy when I need instead of when I want. Easier said than done.

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