Thursday, July 26, 2007

Still Life

Still Life, originally uploaded by discerning light.

Have you hugged anyone at all today? Tuesday I had lunch with an old friend. We caught up with each other. Seems no matter how much time has passed between visits that we can always start where we left off. He is separated now, but looks better than he has in years. I am happy to know that he is taking charge of his life! Time is a strong and persistent healer, if we allow it to happen.

Weather here still sucks. Too hot, too muggy, too hard to breathe. I have become a prisoner of A/C. Maybe I could be like the boy in the bubble. We could keep my body temp constant and I could function almost normally. Of course, that would mean that I really could not give anyone a hug.

Go make someone's day. Even if you can't literally give them a hug, you can send them a virtual hug. A note or two to remind them that they are important to you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Then I should send a hug your way because it always makes me happy to see that you've updated! ~deb