Friday, March 30, 2007

Spring Break

Blah Blah Blah...talking heads and such. i think i finally understand how some of our rock n roll bands were named. some history. when i was a kid we were prohibited from listening to secular music (or so i thought) . my sisters listened to Motown and collected 45s. there was no dancing allowed either. i do not know why i recall this so vividly. maybe all the PK stuff just rattles around in your head forever. i look back on all this and i am grateful. knowing what i know now, i can't help but express my appreciation for what i thought were privations. but that was then in a time in a far away galaxie, many light years ago. the kids of the sixties raised the Gen X crowd who are actually old enough now to have their own kids. we baby boomers raised a generation of kids who were not deprived of anything. they have computers and stereos and personal stereos and iPods and X-box and PSII and PSP and PS3 and so on and so....on. Maybe we gave them to excess...what will they give the world in return? who will be their Bobby Seale, Bobby Kennedy, Malcolm X? U2 and Bono; Elton John; Charles Barkley and Madonna and Lizzie McGuire or will it be Howard Stern and that woman who the press seems to be still fawning over weeks after her death. Anna Nicole Smith was a predatory golddigger then but now is a cause celebre. what will be my internet legacy? rapier wit and ee cummings style of writing? an occasional simple and complete thought? who knows? wanting got the world to where we are today? maybe it is time for us to focus on NEEDING for a spell.

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