Sunday, March 25, 2007

Going Home

this is going to be a frequently repeated theme for me. i have in many places....all of them have been home to me at one time or another. yesterday while i was driving to the VA to see my Dad, i had time to reflect on many of the places i have lived and some i could have lived in, if i had chosen to. the little hamlet my father has lived in now for half his life feels like a dying town. i drove down to see Lake Michigan and was truly disappointed. it was dirty and the beautiful park i remember as a child was no longer there. maybe i have romanticized some of it, but a drive along Greenbay Rd and Sheridan road confirmed that this was a magical place. so how does a town like North Chicago die? what memories of childhood do you have in a special place?

my list looks like this:

1317 LaPaloma was beautiful place. then 1829 Greenfield had magic....i think it still has a bit of that since i had to drive past there today. my mother's little house in Evanton is always going to retain the magic. i have not found a place in the Twin Cities yet that fits the place has ever quite felt like home. gotta run now and will finish these thoughts later.

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