Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Crumbling Infrastructure

While we rebuild Iraq and allow our soldiers to die unnecessarily, for a lost war, our national infrastructure is crumbling. Today a bridge across the Mississippi River that is part of an interstate highway collapsed during the end of rush hour here where I live. Fortunately, at this time we do not have as many deaths as I feared we might. I am still too devastated to collect my thoughts about this, but we have diverted too much of our nation's income to fund a senseless war. I know that this was a freakish accident. I know that the structural engineers will likely say that it was not a maintenance or engineering issue. I know that we would likely not have spent the money on the infrastructure anyway. But we have let it go to pot here. Thinking about how this may affect our community for years to come. I know that my son and I were just talking about what to do or what one might do in just this set of circumstances.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen to that. ~deb