Monday, January 08, 2007


it seems that of late most of the posts have not been meditations, but actual rants. ranting about work and my crazy family and the people around me. 2007 has to be the year, the place and time when i am restored to my center. focusing my energy and attention on the things that matter to me; that are important to me. i will not let the dregs take away my bliss; my sincere appreciation for life. there comes a time when compartmentalization becomes essential to the survival of the entity. this is that time.

my son gave me a random hug today. we had a nice chat in the car on the way home. it is a good time to connect with him...he talks for a while and then i take a turn. i am focused on the drive and he on the ride, so we do not actually have to pay close attention. so much gets accomplished during this time. it used to be the same way with my daughter, but she is rushing headfirst into her teen years. she is right and the center of the universe as we know it and everyone needs to just back off and give her room. that is until she needs a ride, some money or some attention. i am a second-class citizen with the child who formerly thought i was better than American Cheese Singles.

My world is good...this is all happening just as it should. it is all happening for a reason that may not be clear to me for many years to come. i only have to get through these trials intact, not unscathed. there are more friends hiding in the woods waiting to offer a hand than i know. the good that i have done will surely come back to me now that i need goodness.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In such situations, I've always liked the Weaver's prayer.
"Not till the loom is silent and the shuttles cease to fly,
Will God unroll the canvas and explain the reasons why,
The dark threads are as needful in the weaver's skillful hands,
As the threads of gold and silver in the pattern he has planned."

Wishing you a less frustrating year for 2007. ~deb