Thursday, January 25, 2007

Lights Out!

Daily calls to and from family. All this and I still feel as if I am in the Twilight Zone. Something wierd either just happening or just about to happen. Never quite know which way to turn and what to expect. The world as we were taught it is forever changed. Something as innocuous as Pluto no longer being the 9th planet in our solar system. How do you think Pluto feels? Devalued as a heavenly body. From this to that in a blink of an eye. Of course, I am making the assumption that Pluto cares or is concerned about what we think of its status.

My sister says we have left the porch light on long enough. Keeping this torch lit by the door for someone's safety is unrealistic. The threat is actually to the people waiting for the thief to slide in during the night. It is sensible to make it as difficult as possible for the barbarians to assault the gates. These metaphors are fun. Kind of cathartic. Since the virtual pen is mightier than the legal sword, perhaps I can find a way to slay the dragon before we are too singed and burned to have recognition of each other.

These are difficult times we live in. What say you, kind neighbor?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But keeping the light on was never for the people in the house. It has always been meant as a means to guide those who travel home. I know your conflict must be horrible we grow up with the ideal of family as a bastion and refuge. I hope you find a way to communicate to your sister what it is you really want. What does she stand to gain from this situation? ~deb