Sunday, January 07, 2007


trying...we live in a culture of people who are always trying. trying to lose weight; tyring to stop smoking; tyring to get a better job...trying to....makes you wonder if anyone ever accomplishes anything. my sisters in ATL are busy trying to take advantage of my mother. my clients are doing their best to get their children back. it is all so very trying (if you get my message). aren't we tired of trying to win the pointless war in Iraq. wouldn't it be nice if the political administration stopped trying to convince the people about the true agenda. but that would not be the true way. the true way is t take advantage of the people closest to you. the true way is to lie, cheat and manipulate systems so that no matter what you have going for you.

when your game is found out, rather than come clean, you must simply repeat the cycle of lies and cons so that repetition becomes the new truth. say it loudly and with true confidence so that you can more easily manipulate those who might need to inform themselves and make decisions.

too many trying people living like this. it is more than i can stomach. i say let's try the simple truth. can you handle that though?

1 comment:

Carol Luther said...

Funny - I had the same thought this morning. Maybe that's a good name for a new blog - The Simple Truth or Truth be Told. An Aha moment!