Sunday, July 02, 2006

Be a Pepper


my family is currently embroiled in conflict regarding the care of my mother. the police, the court system and now social services are involved. this all happens some 14 hours away from where i live. only 3 by plane. my sisters are probably weary of the unending tasks associated with caring for our mother. she needs constant attention and has both elements of dementia and paranoia that she experiences. i am guessing on a really bad day, they have to deal with both of these extreme emotional states.

now my younger sister, the lawyer, and my oldest sister took my other sister to court for abusing my mother. i know that emotions are running hot because this made my blood boil. i was thinking things and having blurred vision while my father told me about all this. he really wants me to get this situation under control quickly. i have some ideas but i am not sure anyting i have to say can remedy this situation. there is some considerable embarrassment because we have traditionally been a quiet unassuming and emotionally reserved family. public humiliation and exposure of even this sort feels like we are preparing for the Jerry Springer show. i am shocked that my sisters did this, but i have to tell myself that they must have felt desperate. desperation is the enemy of the thinking person. it starves the mind of reason. now we are exposed and the lines will have been drawn. my job as social worker and middle child is to find a way to extricate us from this horrible ignominy. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How sad this is for everyone in your family. And I'm just shocked to see them acting like my family does on a normal basis! You just let me know if you want me to teach you some chair throwing! Take care my friend.