Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Originally uploaded by unohuu.
Strange things happened today. One of my clients lied. He bald-faced got on the sworn-in-witness chair and lied. I was flummoxed. He got caught in that lie. It was painful to watch this convicted domestic abuse just out of prison felon squirm as he realized he had been caught.

I called a client simply to speak with her today. She answered the phone and proceeded to tell me she was indisposed. She was not that delicate but I got the message. I asked if she wanted to talk then and she sounded surprised. I had already told her that her condition was more than I needed to know. She agreed to call me back.

I called another client late in the day. The person who answered the phone heard my voice and hung up. I dialed a second time and this person hung up again. The third time I called I decided to state my business purpose for calling the telephone number. The response was [urban vernacular] "She on the ho stroll makin' me my money". I had to think about this. I asked what he (I now know it was a male voice) said and he had already hung up. I sat there stunned for a monent trying to deciper what he had said. Hopefully, I got it. "She is on the Whore Stroll (Prostituting herself) making me my money [earning a regular beating when she comes in for not really allowing herself to be abused] [meta-message {I am her pimp} square boy] and don't call here anymore.

How was your day today?

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