Monday, June 19, 2006

You Know Who

a few years back when i first started writing i thought i should have a nom de plum. after much consideration and looking at some of e e cummings's poems and reading some haiku i came up with the name - unohu. that has stuck with me through the popularization of the internet and now my own websites. so what does it mean? i do not know. i know that it has become part of my identity. perhaps a secret or hidden part, but part of who i am now. do my kids know who i am? no! how about my mother? nor does she! i will always be something other than unohu to her. more super secrets. who really does know us? very few people it seems. why is this? because of the rush and caustic nature of our exhausting lifestyles. our friends know that we have "little bit of the cap'n" in us, or know what our favorite beer is. most do not know who we really are. ask yourself. how much personal information has a friend recently shared with you. think about their divorce or the abortion or the embarrassing one night stand. ask them about lying in confession or how many times they have re-framed the truth so that it was not an inconvenience for them

this is what i have found out. the more you attempt to hide your real self the more evident who you are becomes. john sayles had this incredible sleeper movie, "The Brother from Another Planet". everyone in the movie project themselves onto this alien. we see what we want to see. we hear what we want to hear. many of us are in denial about what we actually feel, so we do not "know who we are".

the truth is that most of us are too lazy, self-absorbed, frightened or indifferent to ask the questions that would help us know "who you are". so that may be the reasons for so many blogs. self declaration. attempts to lay it all bare. do i know who you are? let's see!

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