Thursday, June 29, 2006

By Any Other Name

Originally uploaded by unohuu.
there is a rat here in Denmark. it has come through the back door of our hearts. toxic family interactions, lying, cheating, scheming. all for some or part of my mother's estate. she has severe dementia...not Alzheimer's, but a dementia brought on by too many years of not taking care of herself - sacrificing for her children and family. who knows what nutritional deficits my mother faced? what i do know is that something is really rotten when family members can't talk with each other and have to have a social worker intervene to resolve what should be relatively simple. let's see - my family consists of a teacher, an attorney, a pastor, a social worker and an educator. if we can't resolve our family issues, i know what will happen. the prospect frightens me. it is not easy being on the other side of the Looking Glass, Alice.

the alternative is allow other people to make decisions for my mother. they do not love her. they will have to base their decisions on a computerized matrix dimensional model. what the hell does that mean. data in; answers out.

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