Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Red Phoenix

Red Phoenix
Originally uploaded by unohuu.
This sculpture/flowerpot holder is part of the fathers' day present i received from my children and my wife. i really like it. i like that it is recylcled and that there has been some renovation of the original materials. we need to do more like that with our wastes instead of merely filling up the earth with our trash. yes, much of it is biodegradeable, but why do we need so much? just because we can! that is a silly answer. kind of like why we are the most powerful country in the world today - just because we are. by whose standards one might begin to ask. how does one define powerful? i think it is the "one with the most toys, wins" philosophy. that means we are being good Calvinists. we are the best because we are "highly favored" by God, one must also presume. but what if that is really not the case. what if God is waiting to see what we do with the "all" that we have? what if we really do have a responsibility to the needy, the weak and infirm? what if we are only supposed to take what we need and leave the rest for others? what if Hell is already filled with capitalists (not your Ayn Rand capitalist, but your standard, "I am rich because I am smarter than all you other poor slobs, kind of capitalist)? what if we have only so much time to reverse the ravages of this planet before we run out of resources? what if there is no reversal and the slide down the slippery slope is accelerated? that is a lot of what ifs! this is partly spawned by something my eight-year-old told me after soccer tonight. one of the children in his child care program called him a slave today. here we are 2006; the Reds have been telling us that all things being equal is what we as a nation have been striving for. unfortunately some of the people have not heard the message and still live in this country's darkest ages. renaissance of oppression and slavery and women's suffrage...i for one have no desire to return to the good ol' days of the 50s and 60s. my folks did not have it quite so good. Voting Rights Act - Sit Ins - Democaratic National Convention Chicago 1968 - Kent State - separate but equal i think the post 911 Homeland Security is about all the rights i can lose right now. but what if...?

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