Friday, November 02, 2007


OMG!, originally uploaded by Lukasia.

Today was one of those days. The issues I left on my desk at work were waiting impatiently for me when I arrived. Here is a summary.

The 17 year old who was assaulted by her BF had been held captive for 2 days. The BF lives next door to mom. Mom had not been concerned about her daughter because she comes and goes all the time. See this mom provides little supervision for her sexually active teen daughter. So here is the summary from the police incident report. She was choked, until unconscious, beaten about the face enough to give her two "black eyes" and a head laceration, and a broken nose. The broken nose can't be reset until the swelling goes down. The CAT scan turned up negative for any serious cranial injuries.

I was appalled that mom did not know where her daughter was for two days. I guess I have to stop judging families by my middle class expectations. I guess if one of my kids were MIA for two days, I would have already called the FBI. Maybe I watch too much TV.

This mom is supposed to be in individual therapy. She is supposed to attend a victims group at our local domestic abuse counseling center. She is supposed to see her other daughter once a week minimum - has not seen her in two months now. She is supposed to cooperate with the in-home therapist. No go.

Issue no. 2 - Mother who has already transferred custody of her young son is fighting to get custody of her older child. She is 9 1/2 months pregnant. She won't attend therapy. She won't cooperate with her son's therapist and she will not get her regular UAs. Her son in OOHP now almost a year - 6 months past the federal guidelines. Can't convince her to honorably do the right thing. Trial next month. It will be horrible. We will have to add the newborn to the current petition.

No. 3 - Mother with ten kids. All have developmental and emotional problems. Bedwetting, encopresis, sexual acting out, illiteracy, violence and more. Mom is convinced that her children picked up on this in foster care. One child had such severe seizures that he had to have a partial hemispherectomy. Her eldest on run after assaulting another relative regarding kicking his mother out of the house.

There is more, but I have to save some for the November Blog Month posting.

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