Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Lines + Shadows + Spaces

I have been staring at this white space for many hours this day, trying to take images from my head and translate them into cogent thoughts that can be expressed in language.  I think that sometimes the images are so raw, so poignant, that the images and symbols defy simple translation.  Much like an unfamiliar language the images convey no meaning.  Even if I were able to identify specific characters in the symbology, connecting them to a translator process might not give me the meaning of those complex communications.

I think that we often agree on symbolic representations as an approximation for common understanding.  When we experience stress (distress more than eustress) the essence of that common understanding unravels.  The internal experience of the individual is not satisfied with the more simple agreed upon comprehension.  This is my struggle today.  How do I communicate my sense of hopelessness and despair to those around me?  How do I share my sense of disconnectedness from everyone and everything?  Language does not suffice.

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