Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Eve

Almost forgot. The Christmas Eve stories of my job and my life. Let's start with the Child Protection office. Newborn with recent heart surgery sent home with maternal aunt. She will likely not be able to care adequately for this child but the doctors at the hospital felt it was in baby V's best interest. Who am I to argue with that august group? Maternal aunt is probably not prepared to be awake at night; to have to go to the medical appointment followups; and to deal with the diabetic and character-disordered dad and soon-to-be-released from prison sister (who has her own mental health issues).

Supervised visit for Mom #2. She was fraught with panic on Friday because the SV center would not allow her child with a contagious infection to visit. Never mind that Mom needs to get into and stay in CD treatment, address her bi-polar disorder and domestic abuse issues. Get her a d*#n visit ASAP. Scheduled visit and mom began to pick at the care of the child - socks don't fit; clothes are ugly; not taking care of my baby like I would "take care" of her. Did not ask about the infection or anything else except when is my next visit! She has been on my caseload since Thursday morning and i have spent hours dealing with her issues already. Not a good sign.

Mom who let the Level III sex offender "keep his stuff" at her house. She is not remorseful and does not see why Child Protection would be concerned. Father of her two younger children indicated no concern for him either as the perp had adolescent victims in the past and his kids are toddlers. Never mind that he did not ever finish sex offender treatment. These are your neighbors folks. Walking and breathing and waiting for you to relax for just a minute. They are preying upon your kids at My Space and Facebook and lord knows where else. I suppose chat rooms and gaming sites. Well Mom did not get the kids back home - they went to Paternal Grandmother. We will see how long that lasts.

My mother finally surfaced from her most recent "desaparecido". She did not have CNAs available so Ms POA simply decided to take her to her home (I suppose)! No notice to anyone or need to comply with orders that she pretends exist for Mom to have a CNA at all times. She makes me mad. I will get a chance to speak and laugh with my mother for a couple days now. I anticipate she will be more relaxed and at ease. No fussing CNAs or busybody worry wart types trying to quietly kill her. Long may she live. Kids will also be excited to talk with her.

Time for a shower. Kids will be walking in the door soon, bursting with enthusiasm to open Christmas Day presents. Let the mayhem ensue.

Merry Christmas everyone. Peace on this Earth, for at least a few minutes today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas Luke, and wishes for a happy and peaceful New Year.