Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas Countdown

We (meaning my wife) finally coaxed the three of us into putting up a Christmas tree. First time in many years that we have not made it out to the lot to fuss and argue over cedars, pines and spruces. Fake tree, ugly tree. We are only home a few days this holiday season because we are taking much needed breaks from school and work.

We are working at getting into the spirit of this important holiday season. There is just so much stuff. Medical procedures, picking out new phones for my recalcitrant teen, work, family, shopping, dogs, photography workshops, portrait sessions, freebies for friends and family. Recent works can be found on flickr and zenfolio. Hope you find some peace in the craziness.


Unknown said...

Lovely portrait! You wife is beautiful. Glad you got a tree. Enjoy your breaks too.

Unknown said...

:Lisa, that is 1) a great portrait and I appreciate the comment, but 2) this is not my wife...she is a co-worker who did some jewelry modeling for another co-worker. I will tell Amber this and she will have a great laugh. I am old enough to be her father.