Sunday, December 18, 2005

Christmas Mood

it has been extremely difficult to get into the mood. maybe it is all the death and desolation around me. i am trying really hard to be patient, loving and kind to clients, friends, family and co-workers this holiday season. it seems that i just get the usual in response. i guess it really is asking people too much to be different for 2 weeks than they are for the other 50 weeks each year. Christmas is a way of life. appreciating the great gift is a commercial phenomemon for the last 10 weeks of the year. some people are charitable, kind, loving and forgiving all the time (or most of the time). i am stepping away from the holiday commercialism. the presents i want are intangibles and abstracts - time, love, kindness, patience. the family is on notice that i do not need socks and underwear (no matter how "CUTE"), ties, paperweights, flutes, handkerchiefs, or any of those other bulk items. truly, i can't think of anything that i really need that can be purchased in a store. i am not feeling Scrooge-ish; i just don't want to add to the emotional and physical landfills of waste. i am going to be watching others.

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