Things to think about:
We have promised that we will never forget 9/11/2001. We have grave associations with what happened and what could have happened to us as a nation on that day. Apparently it is significant because our period of inviability ended.
We as a nation caution people of color to not focus on 1) The Trail of Tears 2) Slavery 3) illegal encampment of Japanese ancestry citizens. There are more, but I think you will get the point.
Daily I read, hear or somehow get information about what a great race neutral country we livc in, but for the few malcontents who attempt to inject race and the horrible effects of systemic and institutionalized racism into the national discussions.
Some of us (people of color) are tired of being an asterisk in the discussion about success, race, wealth and poverty. Some of us are frustrated that even as we change the dialogues and conversations about race, achievement, success, equality and freedom that it is inverted and the focus becomes on what has not been done.
Some people of color are tired of every discussion devolving into a black versus white issue, simply ignoring that Asians, Hispanic (of all "races"), and Native/Indigenous people are not part of the dialogue and are of no consequence to the outcome.
Some people see the interconnectedness of ageism, sexism, ableism, genderism as signs of an important unified struggle for freedom - not for one group, but for all people.