Saturday, July 02, 2011

Shut Down

Dear Minnesota Citizens

It is with deep regret that I tell you that your government has ceased to function.  Politicization of government has overshadowed the responsibilities of your duly elected representatives to lead and provide specific services to the populace.  Demagoguery has taken your leaders by the brains and instead of sharing and caring we have the ever prevalent grabbing for the perceived last toy in the sandbox.

Your neighbors may be out of work for a spell.  Do not worry about them because they should have been better prepared for this anticipated down turn in the economy.  If they have been frugal they will have set aside a significant portion of their income for this rainy day.  Corporate America pays a living wage for all who labor and toil, even though the evil government continues to over regulate, over tax and make extremely unrealistic demands on how this private entities should be managed.

Your church will likely pick up the slack for the dearth of services to the poor, needy, vulnerable and homeless.  It is the Christian thing to do.  Of course, you should have a say as to how your money is allocated because you would not wish to be implicit in funding abortions, divorce, drug abuse, homosexuality or terrorism.  And it is unpatriotic to care for illegal aliens who are stealing jobs from our hardworking good Christian neighbors.

By the way, please feel free to come by and join us for the union-bashing, anti-government, 4th of July celebration being held now in our backyard because the state park is closed.

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