Monday, July 04, 2011

Rain Slicked Streets of Minneapolis

It is summer in Minneapolis. Hot days and warm nights. The AC runs and the compressor outside hums along. Mosquitos are starting to be a problem. The grass is growing. The early coolness and freshness of spring has turned into the ongoing problem of keeping cool, moving as much air around myself as I can. I sleep at night with a fan blowing. It gently rattles and reverberates on the cold tile of the en suite 1/2 bath.

I waken to some cooler air in the morning just after and sometimes just before sunrise. Twittering birds let me know that the day will be starting much like every other day. The falling rain whispers sibilantly and mutes the myriad sounds of bees and bugs.

A nice summer rain comes and cools the blistering humid day and makes the evening bearable. Friday comes and goes on the beginning of a holiday weekend. We start the weekend with hope that we will have fun. Dinner, movie, keeping cool. Saturday comes along and the anticipation of fireworks comes sneaking through the shades and curtains in the house.

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