Monday, October 15, 2007

Mental Health Day

Sometimes work is so hard. I went into a supervised visitation agency on Saturday because there were people who were concerned about a confrontation between the mom with ten kids and the four foster parents who care for her children. Interestingly enough she was not there on Saturday. I suspect that she had been arrested, for either the new assault charges or the probation violation. Still there is a tension that surrounds this kind of work violence. Always the threat of violence in my job. It would not be so bad if the constant worry about my family and my home could be avoided. My kids and wife did not sign on to the sometimes paralyzing fear that means knocking on a door could result in gunshots; or that a home visit might mean being ambushed and possibly tortured. But the real threats are few. Mostly toothless wolves barking and attempting to frighten.

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