Monday, April 23, 2007


I have been working on this for more than a year now. I remember the first time I saw it I was using a KM-A2. A nice camera....I might have to get another one. I have since shot this lamp squiggle with the KM7D; my D70s; a rented D200 that I loved; an Mamiya 645J and maybe my 800si before I sold it.

Sometimes I think you just have to revist the images that have meaning to you. I do not yet know why this particular piece of metal means so much to me. I am ready to move on to another variation now. Maybe we adults are not all that different than children. I recall seeing The Lion King many more times than I could imagine when my daughter was 2 years old.

I have probably spent a good day of my life - yes, 24 hours or so shooting this image. I am content with what I have, but I envision coming back to see this with new photographic eyes. I guess this means I have to stash this broken lamp in the basement.

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