Saturday, April 14, 2007


I finally figured out what has been eating at my craw all week long. I am working with a number of very young and very immature mothers. They have a serious sense of entitlement and seem to have forgotten their children along the way. One has three under the age of 4 and is expecting another in June. She does not anticipate any problems with the children when the new baby comes. Needless to say, I disagree with her. I am certain that there will be some normal animosity and jealousy. I know this, but do I know this because of my training or simply because of my life experience?

My mother has called me a couple of times this week. I enjoy the calls from her, and look forward to hearing her voice. The calls are a recent change as she has not either been allowed or encouraged to call. Now we are certain that she is adamant that she call. She also had a coached call from my sister. I heard her voice in the background prompting her to say thanks for returning a coat that we have had here since October.

I wonder what distinguishes this POA sister of mine from the drug and alcohol numbed minds of my clients. She is older and she did benefit from wonderful parenting. I guess this just means that our family will be the counterargument to the Nature vs Nurture debate. Maybe she is hardwired differently. Maybe she has to be the center of attention. Maybe it is because she is a middle child shadowed by brothers with very distinct and solid personalities. Maybe she feels inadequate when she compares herself to my older sister. But this really only exists in her mind. She is always welcome to call, but I can't think of anything I really have to say to her. The slander and vitriol and emotional damage is extensive. She acts and pretends as if all is well. Just like the day she graduated from high school.

This monster that has eaten my sister and cannabilized my family is amorphous now. I know that there always remains hope for success. I fear that our hope was dashed when Obi Wan was cut down by Vader. Perhaps out there is a new rising star.

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