Saturday, December 23, 2006

Pyrrhic Victory

nothing like getting what you have asked for. seems that my sisters may have actually benefitted us in the long run. the judge did declare our mother incompetent. he went on and on about how she was not coherent enough or lucid enough to make a decision. no way to contract; just like a child. if she is not able to do that, then she can't express a desire that one could act upon. we simply have to sit back and wait for the guardianship hearings and process to unfold. that sucks because i suspect the games will continue in the pending process. it is painful to me knowing that those damn CNAs will have some limited control to my access to my mother. it is already playing itself out. CNA answers the phone when my wife calls; tells my wife that Mom is busy and has Alz's and best to call back when Ms POA is at home. i spoke to my mother twice yesterday. she seems to pick up when i call for some reason. i can hardly wait for the next confrontation with the hired witches. Pyrrhic Victory that this may have been for my sisters, it is still a sad day when the parents who paid for her law degree are abused and humiliated in court by her own hand. what price is her dignity? heaven only knows.

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