Monday, December 18, 2006


i think i am starting to make some sense of all this. i chased my mother down after a few phone calls at Ms POA's house. Ms POA answered the phone and was so pleasant with me. completely oblivious to the fact that she is suing me and attempting to keep me away from my own mother, unless of course, she or one of her lackeys is supervising me. must be some kind of personality issue resulting from attending law school. a certain section of the law school understands the mechanics of the process but does not comprehend that the actions affect people's lives. we are all patiently hoping that she 1) comes to her senses; 2) accidently leaves the USA (she does not have a passport) and can't get back in; 3) has another PE (this one is the evil thought in my own head). she probably already has some kind of dragon-like representative to take over where she left off. well, news flash, i do not want to be friends with the self-absorbed, fatuous family member who happens to take people's emotions so cavalierly.

i am going to fly to chicago tomorrow, and have my dad and uncle meet me at the airport so we can hasten on down the road to Hotlanta one more time. this time, though i am booking a one-way ticket with no certain return date. will keep posting as long as i can find a Starbucks, Barnes and Noble and a few other T-Mobile HotSpots to log in from. Wish me luck!

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