Thursday, October 05, 2006

Motion Blur

Motion Blur
Originally uploaded by unohuu.

you have to watch and look quickly because the family dynamics have changed. last week i had four sisters and one brother. this week, all the recent events have forever changed the makeup of my family. my brother, my father and i recently went on a mission to free my mother from the confines of the hired guns who care for her. she had asked for help repeatedly and left ehr home with us willingly when we arrived. all that happened in a matter of minutes. we took her to a hotel. we talked with her and listened to what she had to say. we talked about revoking my sister's POA (Power of Attorney for the uninitiated). Power is a good beginning for this mess. Now my brother, my father and I left my mother's home state - dropped my brother off in one state en route to my father's home state and finally my mother and I pulled into my driveway sometime yesterday - after we took my son to his special soccer clinic. The guys from the Thunder were there. Great clinic...too bad the kids were so tired.

My sister claims my sister participated. Apparently the Sheriff's Office picked up my innocent sister. Her claim to fame - she lives in the same damn county as my POWER hungry ATTORNEY sister. She has manipulated the truth and the court system long enough. She will have to face her judge separate and apart from the outcome of all this. Why 2 smaller. I have another sister in this southern metropolitan city who quietly sits back and watches all the evil transpire. I wonder what she gets out of all this.

Meanwhile. I can't go back to this mecca of necritude for fear that the denizens of destruction will apprehend me. Oh yeah, I have to hire an attorney. So why all the fuss?

My mother does have some memory issues- I think adult daycare would provide adequate safety for her. My mother does have many medications. Again, the ADC we visited today has an RN on staff and they administer medications. My mother will be in a more stimulating environment than if she simply lives alone in her dark house with the many strangers (CNAs), who all work for my sister. I think my mother enjoyed every single moment of this day. I hope that it was worth it for the rest of the family.

OK, I am looking at the sunny side of this. Tragically, I will have fewer Christmas presents to buy. Down to my two siblings and I am not allowed to be in contact with my mother since I am a detriment to her safety. See, I have withheld her anti-rejection drugs from her. Can you tell I am really quite angry? I hope so. I have to turn this anger into righteous indignation. Shalom!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holey Moley! This is heavy stuff. I'll be thinking about you. Hope that you can get this all worked out to your mom's benefit without additional detriment to you. ~deb