Friday, September 29, 2006


I am in the midst of a creative trough. Bogged down with the banalities of life right now - work, family, money issues, etc. Feels like every way I turn, there is someone making a new demand or request for my time. I do not mind sharing my limited time, but I am feeling exhausted. I have not raised a camera to my eye for many a day. Too tired to write at all as well. But tonight I will be shooting portraits for a church event. I have to be positive and upbeat. I have to be ready to sell myself as well as the product. I think it is the selling part that gets to me.

I also want some emotional support. From my wife or somebody. Really in the grand scheme of this all, I am looking back and thinking I have it pretty good. Being tired at my age is OK. My energies are being diverted in so many directions. I am practicing grace right now. Being OK with where I am and allowing myself the indulgence of not being pollyannaish. More later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a tough time. Hope you can get the chance to recharge and find the things that make you happy. ~deb