Saturday, October 07, 2006

Travesty Continues

Plenty of bravado being spewed lately. I guess only a couple of us were fully aware of the potential fallout for all this. I am exhausted. Phone calls from and phone calls to attorneys, siblings, father, my sister's SO. We can't seem to get her out of jail. Charge is contempt of court. I know that serious DWI offenders and domestic abusers get in and out of jail faster than has occurred in this situation. Rumor has it that there is now a warrant for my arrest as well. That would not be a smart thing. Instead of using collaborative legal actions, the firebrand has resorted to legal bullyiing and semi-fascist tactics. I can go to jail if it means that my mother will have an opportunity to have her story heard. But it is exhausting. When this is all over (if ever), I think it will be important to recall all that has happened and what it will have cost our family. The expenses are rising at a geometric rate. That is only what we can calculate. Once again we have to rely on attorneys. They get rich. We get __________? Little sister! see her here - Sister
This is so sad because our family has already survived so many more severe challenges. We have always been a strong family, even though we might not have been very cohesive. It is important that you know why this is going on. I love my mother

Regardless how long my mother stays with me, I will be updating her portraits. It has been a real joy having her here in my home; lots of work, but still a joy. Beatrice


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful woman your mother is. Her character and strength shine through in your photos and I can see wisdom in her eyes. I wish you well in your efforts to keep her in a safe, loving environment.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to come and see your mother. Give me a call.