Tuesday, October 28, 2014


The beautiful autumn I anticipated is starting to come to a dramatic close.  The yellows are so brilliant right now with the sunny days we have had.  I have spent lots of time walking and immersing myself in this splendor of color and testament to a full life.  Seasons exist for a reason - one is to simply appreciate differences.  Each of these seasons has beauty.  If you are always comparing Spring to Autumn you are likely to not enjoy the special qualities of either.

Things did not work out for me and the lovely lady.  I was hurt.  I was desolate for a some time, too, trying to figure out what happened...what I did wrong.  I may never know, but I can't stop living just because this one individual rejected me.

I could write about what she is going to be missing.  That would not really make me feel better.  I wanted her to hurt like I did for a while, but I let that go, too.  No reason to engulf myself in pity and miss out on all the rest that life has to offer.  There is plenty of beauty and happiness to go around.  I have to leave myself open to recognizing it and then allowing myself to experience it.

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