Saturday, September 21, 2013


People are people. Americans have emerged from so many national and ethnic groups that it is hard to decide what is an American. This week we learned that some people are incensed that the new Ms America has East Indian ancestry. The blogs were rife with messages about "real Ameicans". I feel sadness when I hear this. Here are some American faces: We had other mass shootings - Washington, DC and locally, here in Minneapolis. We love our guns. We love Free Speech, when the speaker is talking about something we endorse. We have little respect for those whose views are contradictory to our own. Sometimes even when the perspective is parallel but not identical we have troubling understanding why someone might believe other than what we choose. Imagine that. I can't hear myself for the roar of the Facebook rantings and the bellicose tweets. While our elected politcal officials and corporate denizens decide what is in our national best interests we have children missing out on education. We have diminished opportunity. We have disparate treatment of so many groups it is not worth shedding light. We have the powerful and then there are the rest of us. Fortunately, for some, the two groups are not mutually exclusive. We have global uncertainty. Weather, geopolitical issues, conflicting theocracies, political ideologies, Marxism, Facism, Socialism, Captitalism, Anarchy. Choose the one that works best for you today. Who is your neighbor?

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