Saturday, September 21, 2013

Watching You

I read the news today, like yesterday. It was rife with suggestions that somebody is horribly off base about something that journalist was reporting to the general public. It seems so crucial that we know the opinion and possible fallout of now sharing the same view. I have come to think that we are no longer hoping to survive as a nation. We are tearing ourselves apart from the inside out. Democrat or Republican; Progressive or Conservative; Corporate or Government; Left or Right; Tall or Short. We almost always see the differences instead of the similarities. We are not nearly as different as so many purport. We eat; we work; we love; we waste. We cry; we laugh; we believe and we disparage. We all have or at least had family. We plant our opinions as if the opinion itself is gospel. We don't question how we "know" this or evaluate new information that might alter our position. It is sad. People can either disappoint you or you can accept that each of us is human.
There are so very many good things to see in this world. Open your eyes to some of the good; the beautiful; the lovely. See kindness and when you don't see, do something to make it a better world. I am going to do it. Maybe it will catch on and we can stop focusing on the "scarcity principle".

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