Tuesday, June 19, 2007


It has been many a day since I last posted. It is a combination of factors. Life is speeding up. My oldest is now an official teen, instead of being a "wannabe teen". She has launched a full scale attack on the adults in her life. We are to blame for all her teenage angst and the principal targets for her new found wrath. Where did this little monster come from? It is imperative that I find my center and remain there.

There are personal attacks at work as well. I am being bombarded by the rants and complaints of the many clients that I work with who have personality disorders. It is enough to make one want to scream for submission. I could walk away from this job right now.

In addition we have soccer for the younger sibling. He needs a personal chauffer to drive him from place to place. I do not mind taking him, but it is summer here in MN and we are full into our second season (road repair) which means detours and slow traffic.

The situation with my POA sister is relentless as well. She parses out information as if it were being removed from her personal treasury. She tells us that a visit from my aunt from Gary is imminent, but fails to share that the annual checkup physical to Mayo for our mother is not necessary since she consulted with the Mayo Clinic and it was determined that routine tests could be completed in GA with her physician and then Mayo could decide. Of course, those tests are probably completed now. We wait with baited breath to get the results. Meanwhile the inane "friendly emails" continue. I am starting to think of them as distractions. She can tell the world that she worked at "maintaining contact". I would rather have my daily dose of spam from total strangers than some semi-conciliatory drivel from my sister who has been granted the authority to hold our mother hostage. I think that might make a nice anagram.

My brother and SIL have honeymooned now and eagerly await the photos from their wedding. Yet they know that 1) I drove the father who almost did not get to perform the ceremony home to IL 2) rushed back to my job and kids 3) will be driving our father from St. Louis to Memphis for another wedding. And selling more assets to pay for the attorney that he agreed we should have to appeal the decision made earlier this year. Of course, he does not respond to email or pleas for assistance. He managed to call me quite a few times over the weekend while I was away for peace and quiet. Yet failed to respond to emails regarding his own wedding photography or requests for selection of the photos. I will be shot before I give my time and energy to another unappreciative and ungrateful family member. Some people have no concept of talent or professionalism since they have minions to do all for them.

Guess that brings me back to my present reality. Time to write some books and make some sense of the maelstrom. Later.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there! ~deb

Carol Luther said...

this too shall pass! we must withdraw every now and then, lest we expire before the battle is won.
