Wednesday, March 01, 2006


I work in the world of abstracts. We talk about transferring custody of children to other people. We talk about Termination of Parental Rights (TPR). We talk about foster care. Most of the people I work with in the permanency unit are too drugged; too developmentally disabled or to mentally ill to really understand the process.

I have to work with them within the context of state and federal guidelines. For the most part their lives have become so dysfunctional that most of them are not likely to "Re-gain" custody of their children. I have to remind myself of the dire consequences for TPRs and TLCs (Transfer of Legal Custody). Do not think for a minute that this Sturm and Drang does not have its own impact on me. It does. I do not sleep well
As it is, it is 2:00 a.m. and I am writing this while I listen to music on headphones. We have to walk the tightrope between what is best for kids and what is socially expedient. So now you know.

What does this have to do with the abstract photographs? You tell me!
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