Thursday, May 31, 2012


Vendedera, originally uploaded by lucienphoto.

This woman was selling her wares on the steep steps of an archaelogical wonder. She likely hauled it all up and will have to take it back down. I guess that she does not complain about her station in life; is delighted when she earns a few pesos; and knows that she will have to do the same the next day.

She is probably not too concerned that Facebook shares have taken a beating since the IPO. She is probably not too worried either about the rubbish from the tsunami washing up on the shores of our Pacific coast. Her life is simple.

Simple because she knows what she has to do. Simple because she has only to manage a day at a time. Simple because the machinations of politicians in Mexico City, Washington, DC and Athens are not likely to affect her day-to-day existence.

That is why we have to protect her. We have to protect her lifestyle. She has not bought into the complicated money making schemes that seem to be our primary focus these days. She is born, works hard, makes a contribution in the world and she dies. She likely passes on the knowledge that she has to someone. She is a saint.

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