Thursday, August 04, 2011

...and the band played on.

Tendril, originally uploaded by lucienphoto.

somewhere inside of ourselves we know the truth about the joblessness, the inequality that we see growing and the balkanization of the people of this country. the world is and has been watching us to see how we deal with our crisis. a crisis that we have been most influential in creating and sustaining. i think the world is aghast wondering how we stand (sit maybe more accuate) by and watch the implosion of a great economy and a magnificent country. people still want to come to the great US in order to have a better standard of living and opportunity to be successful.

i am thinking that we should not have to worry much longer about the influx of immigrants. the "trickle down" that we have been waiting for may be the destruction of the economy (as the world sees it) and the change in the river flow. there may now be better places to go than here. get your passports ready.

what else can change?

1 comment:

mary ann said...

I like to think that the human mind should change, and the heart and spirit will follow...I really believe people want to come to this wonderful country, because of what it offers freedom to talk,act, think, write, work hard and get somewhere..and more..yes, we will also suffer sometimes, but through suffering we will learn so much..something of the soul..