Saturday, April 12, 2008


It is Saturday morning. I have had my pancakes and bacon, juice and milk. I have run the vacuum to pick up the little dust bunnies floating around our house. I even pulled some down from the ceiling with that great skinny attachment for crevices on the vacuum. It is snowy and windy and cold outside. The chimes on the deck are making that inimitable gong sound. The birds are voraciously feeding and frolicking in the snow. Instead of just hanging out today, I have to go into work. Family Group Conference for a family on whom I have already given up hope. But we will listen to the whining about lack of services and the rants about how unfair the system is to them. I then get to go back to court and say we can't support the plans the family has created. I will be the primary target today. I will be quiet and remain calm.

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