Sunday, September 23, 2007


i am in the midst of a slump...emotionally, creatively, spiritually. seems that everything i touch or contemplate comes back to bite me. i am trying to be introspective about this all, but it continues to elude me. just a few weeks ago i had high hopes for new successes. my energy was good, my spirits high and i was not so easily annoyed by the vagaries of the world around me.

maybe it is a symptom of my age or cohort group. looking back at what we have done (and more importantly what we have not done) is weighting heavily upon me. we have reached new lows (tabloid journalism, idol worship, folly like the Bridge to Nowhere) and we do not even seem to care. Global warming, environmental destruction, reducing the air quality again, polluting our waters, buying and selling junk and tainted items for the sake of the Holy Dollar.

sometimes i think it would be fabulous to disconnect from all this craziness. have a simple house away from this all, with environmentally friendly people surrounding me. i could buy my food locally (but that means no strawberries in the winter), use recycled and refurbished products, get off the electric and power grids with some expensive alternative energy sources and then what....what would i do? how would this affect my children? would we be the family of kooks who lived down the lane? would people think that i was some kind of nut or fanatic? would the FBI and DHS have an active file on me; monitor my internet and e-mail activity? i don't know!

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