Friday, January 27, 2006

Hell Week

-Every school year at colleges and universities around the US fraternities and sororities have pledge week, often referred to as Hell Week. Child Protection Services is just like that all the time. This has been a particularly hellish week. A two and one half day trial in which the parent whose rights we seek to terminate had his own mother testify against him. This was brutally painful for me even though I knew that it was coming. This same father requested that his mother not be allowed to see her own grandchild (this before she testified). The judge indicated other wise as she had travelled from another state to come here to offer her support to her son. She could not tell other than the truth, though and the truth was painfully obvious. This afternoon I have a hold hearing for a three day old baby who may not survive the week. Born cocaine positive, this child has serious medical problems. I know that God has a special place in heaven for these little children who were unfairly and unlovingly conceived and brought into this world. We only know that mother is in between jail cells in two or three counties awaiting charges and or sentencing on felony offenses. Although the other two court hearings this week were not psychologically demanding, they also took an emotional toll. The effect is somewhat cumulative and the process for re-humanization takes time. One mother who has an intelligent and creative child refuses to let him go and live with a family this thirteen year old picked out for himself. There is no issue with the family, only mother's selfishness as her son has always taken care of her. She recently completed her 18 chemical dependency treatment. I hope we can make it to the end of the month sobriety-wise for her. The probability is slim. Last, and surely, not least insignificant is the mother who repeatedly has gotten drunk and assaulted her own children. She swears she is off the sauce now, but impatiently wants us to return her tramuatized children to her immediately. She knows that she is cured, but does not accept that she has contributed to the trauma that her children have witnessed and experienced - a husband who viciously assaulted her; the sexual vicitimization of her six-year old daughter when she was too drunk to notice; and the cruel beating of her own son. So, how was your week?

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