Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Letting Go of My Past

Rather than adding to a list of not-likely-to-achieve events, I am choosing to let go of some of the hurtful periods in my past.  As I was having my morning coffee and driving off to the dog unleashed area, I decided to take a detour.  Dasher and I went to a park near a house I used to live in many years ago.  When we arrived I heard running water. The park staff were already laying down a new coat of water to achieve that glassy surface for skating and hockey.  It was not even 7:00 a.m. but the staff person was there.  Lots of events happen behind the curtain so that life can just go on.

Dasher and I walked around this little park; me shivering and wondering how long my hands would be warm and dreading that moment when he pooped and I would have to remove my glove to scoop up that steaming pile of poop.  Fortunately for me, it was near the end of our walk and we headed right back to the car.

It was in that moment that I understood that sometimes we let our own history get in the way.  We allow the ghosts of people and events from our past tamper with our present.  I think there are a few more locales I may have to visit to simply say goodbye and express my thanks for what good I was able to take from that experience.  Since we are all the sum total of our experiences and can't change what experiences we have had, it is important for me to acknowledge my past.  Holding on to the failures or the perception of failure does not do any good.  Learning from the experience is another matter.  You can still let it go, though when you have taken from it what you needed.

A couple of the places don't even exist anymore, except in my memory.  That is a strong hold.  One down, a few more to find.

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