Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sin Sombra

Sin Sombra, originally uploaded by lucienphoto.

Sin sombra means "shadowless" in Spanish. I originally created this piece with a small shadow hanging over the window. Sometime later I learned that the transparency that we hoped for in the new administration will have lots of places for shadows. It seems that there have been such detestable atrocities at the behest of the US military and intelligence organizations that the expected transparency is becoming opaque. Opaque can be shadowless, though. Darkness can certainly be shadowless since one needs some light to create shadows. If we are to become something other than a shadow of our former selves, we have to be willing to look in all the dark and creepy places where we have tolerated evil; contemplated marginal morality, and turned our heads in the interest of a "post 9-11" world security structure. If we simply become what we have detested all along, all the shadows will be free to roam the earth. That would be Hell instead of Heaven. I'm just saying...!

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