Saturday, April 15, 2006


This is what happens while I observe and wait for the best parts to start. Everything seems to be working backwards from where I was a year ago. Just when I think our marriage has improved I find that I have again done something horribly wrong. This week it was taking my daughter to her therapy appointment on a day that she is not usually with me. That meant I would have to have contact with my ex since she would come pick up the kids. Well the therapy appointment time was all wrong. My son told me he was hungry; I shrugged off the inconvenience and took the kids to Pizzeria Uno; called the ex and told her to meet us there. I made the mistake of sharing my quesadillas with her. When I told my wife this she blew a gasket. It seems that the stars were all aligned and in duplicitous efforts she cancelled coming to the appointment (of her own accord); turned off her cell so I could not reach her; waited for me following the tryst with my ex and the kids and I was late because I stopped to buy some film at the camera store. I forgot to mention that only 1/2 hour earlier I had been accosted telephonically buying posterboard for a school project (again, not on my day)!

the ensuing squabble resulted in an all night harangue and me going to bed with headache. but the discussion (argument, conflagration, melee) did not stop there. i was kicked by my adoring and considerate wife because she was angry with me for refusing to continue this well into the night. i told her i simply had had enough. when the kicking became too much i rose from the bed, headed to basement and slept on the uncomfortable sofa that i hate to SIT on, let alone try to sleep on. next day, it was my fault for refusing to listen to her temperamental tirade. gotta reconsider that.


Anonymous said...

There are "off" days in parenting? Who knew? Where do I sign up?!

Unknown said...

As you well know, there are no "off days" in parenting. It is a lifelong process. The price one pays for the off time is too precious.