Friday, September 01, 2006

Tickling Some Ivories

Keyboarding, originally uploaded by unohuu.

Tickling the ivories is an expression that I have grown to really like. It has that kind of onamatapeia sensation. I can actually hear the tinkling of a piano as I allow the weight of the expression to sink in for me.

I could use a good laugh. My awful job has taken on awfulness in monstruous proportions. It has been a tough week, with a TLC completed and a predatory sex offender removed from the streets (even if only temporarily) and more detente right here in my own home.

I am tired from a week of negotiations with every one. I did this wrong and I failed to respond to someone's emergency right away. I must be at least 1/2 ass incompetent as those around me would purport. I am a failure. Like this photo. I am leaning in the wrong direction. Sample it for me.

We could all use a great simile right now, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don't be so hard on yourself. you have a tough job and i am glad that you are doing it. i am glad that there is one less predator off the streets! even if it is temporary (i wish the laws were much tougher and there isn't a whole lot you can do about that unless you get involved with changing the laws.)
-a survivor