Saturday, September 23, 2006

No photo today

No photo today. It has been quite some time since I picked up the camera with the intention to shoot something. I still carry one with me, but the muse has been on hiatus for a few weeks. Ironically, it was the same time the prose muse left me. Guess that left me in a creative rut. Momentum though can be a wonderful thing. I simply love the sound of the keyboard clicking away when I write.

Today I saw three clients. Client number one triggered something inisde of me. Intelligent and confused about her place in the world. We had a wonderful tangential dialogue about what is and what is not important. I hope she comes back.

Client number two arrived late and disrupted my reverie...we had a truly abstract but spiritual conversation. Never underestimate the power of your client to challenge your ideas about how things work. He was a blessing in disguise.

Client number three is a regular. His father recently died and he had to go to the old country to bury him. Unfortunately for him, the very things that drove him out of the homeland are still very much alive and breathing fire. Families are the best and the worst for all of us.

Paint your own picture today. On the many spectrums that we have Truth <------> Not Truth
Love <-----------> Hate

We can all make better choices. I think that is my lesson for today. Choose Wisely

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