Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fairy Tales

, originally uploaded by lucienphoto.

Sometimes when life is kicking your teeth in and you feel that you can't trust anyone, you just have to take a leap of faith. Do what you want; laugh at the folly of struggle. I have been listening to the confirmation hearings for Sonia Sotomayor. I am appalled at the rancor and vituperative nature of the questions and accusations. Pomposity and arrogance abound here. There are those who would actually postulate that The Supreme Court of the United States of America merely applies the law that Congress writes. That the law is immutable. If so immutable, why do we now have the abolition of slavery, women as whole citizens, abortion rights, civil rights and voting rights that were previously prohibited.

Sonia Sotomayor is a product of her history, culture and socioeconomic status. We all are. To pretend otherwise is foolishness. Each and everyone of our justices applies the law based on education, experiences, political beliefs, social awareness and a combination of other factors.

If the law were so objective, there would be little need to squabble about one's personal philosophy. If the law were totally objective, we could simply review rulings made and opinions offered by justices. If the law were not red nor blue, we could simply apply an objective test. But corrections have been made. The lower courts are not always affirmed in opinions and rulings. The court system is about fallible people making decisions about other fallible people.

Dream Sonia Sotomayor that your fairy tale can come true. It can happen to you. Stay young at heart. Know that there are those of us who acknowledge the challenge of impartiality and justice in an unjust and very partial world.

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