Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Musical Mama

Remember playing musical chairs as a child? I do! What brings this on? Two things happened this week that take me down memory lane. We went to the History Center yesterday in search of Kwaanza Celebrations and did not find one. We had a pleasant time though looking at the various exhibits. One in particular displayed a typical 1950-1960s era backyard. A picnic table and hopscotch were the two big attractions. My kids worked on that hopscotch square. It all came roaring back from the deep recesses of my brain. They had fun and I got to see them doing something other than walking around with iPods and handheld games players.

Second thing that happened is that my sisters are actually playing move the mother around the Atlanta metro area. I know that they live many miles apart and her house is somewhere between the two houses, but it really makes it tough since no one from that house ever initiates a call to us. We have to go through the phonebook in order to track her down. It is frustrating. Very frustrating because the court room characterization was something completely different than what was our reality. If one were to listen to the evil twins, one might easily believe that all they do is pamper my mother. To the contrary, I think she is frustrated because they are constantly vigilant and hounding her. Imagine the CNA telling my wife that she was too busy to talk and that it was advised that she call back in the evening when the POA sister might be at home. Also they alleged that all the travelling was too disconcerting for Mama, but JFL has taken her to Charleston (for Thanksgiving) and has recently taken up second residence in her home some place in Marietta. Of course the d$*n CNAs get to travel with her where ever she goes. As long as they are calling the shots about medical care and legal issues, we will not be allowed to have physical contact with Mama. After all, my sister, CT, is terrified of me. I am intimidating to dare I?

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