Thursday, October 26, 2006

Fabulous 50s

Fabulous 50's
Originally uploaded by unohuu.

You can't really ever go home again. Home is always changing. The glorious days of my youth are faded and inaccurate memories made sentimental by the passage of time and forgiveness. Sometimes the passage is mercurial; other times it might be Neptunian (is that a word?). America is again looking back at the glorious days of its youth and adolescence. Was it as wonderful as we so fondly (but inaccurately) remember it?

Listening to new music...something i bought for myself...something to help me feel normal as i wade through the swamp of family matters. tantrums and attitudes and spasticity. the tidepool of good will is becoming a cesspool again. fear, anxiety, desperation are the colors of family i see now. compassion was thrown out the judicial window. maybe those 50s were fantastically fabulous for some of us.

i will be that 50 next year. hopefully someone will recall that i was wise and kind and considerate. perhaps someone will have a good word for me.


Anonymous said...

I'll always have a good word for you. Kind and considerate are hard to tell from our medium, but thoughtful and insightful I can vouch for. Plus you have a great eye for pictures. ~deb

Anonymous said...

You're a pretty danged nice guy if I do say so myself! And to think, this is your ex-wife speaking! You must have something good about you!